Archive and release notes for builds released in 2010

Visual Assist Build 1837

requires software maintenance through 2010.11.19 (General release.)

  • Create from Usage supports static pointers in a class belonging to a namespace. (case=52335) 9853
  • VA suggests nullptr instead of NULL for C++/CLI managed reference initialization. (case=52245) 9786
  • List Methods in File (Al+M) correctly shows both angle brackets for operator<<. (case=10782) 70807118
  • VA Snippet Editor margin indicator uses the numeric value from VA Options | Advanced | Display | Display indicator after column. (case=41396) 98389441
  • Fixed empty Open File in Solution list with Intel Inspector XE 2011 installed. (case=52285)
  • Fixed case in which parameter info obstructed line being typed (regression in 1836). (case=31814)

Visual Assist Build 1836

requires software maintenance through 2010.11.10 (Beta release.)

  • New Goto (Alt+G) on interface methods lists all implementations of the method in the solution. (case=36934) 9737
  • New Find Symbol in Solution can be filtered to show only types. (case=37054)
  • New Add Include can optionally be forced to always use "" or <> syntax. (case=51056) 98259472
  • New Added "Create VA Snippet From Selection" to VAssistX | Tools menu. (case=609)
  • Fixed case in which Open Corresponding File (Alt+O) prompted to open identically named files from other projects in solution. (case=32543) 91425814
  • VA suggests gcnew instead of new for C++/CLI managed reference initialization. (case=50707) 9786
  • Default string parameter values are shown in Quick Info tooltips for methods. (case=942) 4248
  • Quick Info tooltips and definition field for variables with string literal assignments display the initial string. (case=1131) 97989288755669706332626245744414
  • Fixed issue in which Quick Info tooltips for methods were colored as comments. (case=16082)
  • VA is aware of files moved via drag and drop in Solution Explorer. (case=19933) 8214
  • Create from Usage offers the correct options when invoked on variables in C++ constructor initialization lists. (case=31277) 984491228944
  • Create from Usage offers the correct options when invoked on a method with whitespace before the opening parenthesis. (case=50606) 9783
  • Create from Usage infers the correct type when invoked on an inline method. (case=51223)
  • Fixed rare situation in which caret is inappropriately moved after navigating Find References results. (case=51696)
  • VA exhibits more consistent behavior when Complete With Any is checked. (case=50538)
  • Operator << is shown correctly in the definition field. (case=7383) 97926429
  • Fixed multiline comment inconsistency. (case=51991) 9820
  • Unnamed const parameter types in function prototypes are parsed correctly. (case=846, case=3027)9800909466274070
  • Const function pointers are parsed correctly. (case=51050)
  • Fixed Parameter Info / Suggestion List tooltip collision. (case=31814)
  • VS2010: Addressed rare crash. (case=52095)
  • VS2010: Fixed unintended deletion when typing in multiline edit mode under certain conditions. (case=51656, case=51976) 9812
  • VS2010: Improved editor typing performance. (case=51491) 9793
  • VS2010: Improved editor performance when Highlight Find Results is enabled. (case=50256, case=51525)
  • VS2010: Corrected background color display for VA Navigation Bar and other controls. (case=42358)94799425
  • VS2010: Fixed analysis of managed assemblies when earlier .NET frameworks are not installed. (case=49731)
  • VS2010: Fixed issue with "Display comments from source files" still being invoked when VA is disabled. (case=52023)
  • VS2010: Improved compatibility with ViEmu. (case=51306)

Visual Assist Build 1833

requires software maintenance through 2010.09.28 (General release.)

  • Fixed rare crash reported by a small number of users. (case=49404)
  • VS2010: Fixed issue in which VA became inactive in the editor after closing splitter bar. (case=50330)9775

Visual Assist Build 1832

requires software maintenance through 2010.09.15 (Release candidate.)

  • New User-defined Suggestions for Type lists. (case=29907)
  • Fix for VA Autorecovery restoring incorrect content. (case=49620) 9673
  • Eliminated extraneous parenthesis insertion when closing paren was typed while an IDE listbox was displayed. (case=49167)
  • Fixed intermittent brace autocompletion failure. (case=48783)
  • Improved brace matching compatibility with other tools. (case=49002) 9727
  • Remote Desktop display optimization is disabled by default. Enable via VA Options | Performance. (case=42155)
  • VA installer is no longer tripped up by bad or missing %TEMP% directory. (case=49370)
  • Smart Suggestions respect the option "Selections committed with:Enter". (case=26044, case=33790, case=48521) 969490778681
  • Suggestions present due to Tools | Options | Text Editor | C# | IntelliSense | "IntelliSense pre-selects most recently used members" may be accepted with Enter. (case=48374) 9694
  • Smart Suggestions are suppressed following += in C# to avoid conflict with the default IDE event handler behavior. (case=47999)
  • Fixed C# block formatting when brace automatch is enabled. (case=8971) 6686
  • Repair Case works correctly in C#. (case=48865)
  • Create from Usage takes type coercion into account when inferring resulting parameter types. (case=31478)
  • Create from Usage correctly infers the type of string literals. (case=48375)
  • Fix for Create from Usage incorrectly prepending static keyword to static method parameters. (case=49005)
  • Added parameter names to tooltips for C++/CLI. (case=1224) 970394824693
  • VA parses C++/CLI code brought into scope with a #using directive even if the corresponding assembly has not been added to the project's references. (case=39988)
  • Reworked Smart Suggestions to be more responsive while typing, but more accurate during typing pauses. (case=46655)
  • Fix for listboxes following '.' or "::" not respecting "Get content from default IntelliSense" setting after backspace and repeat. (case=48863)
  • Fixed issue in which global variables declared in a source file were absent from the completion list after typing a partial name followed by Ctrl+Space. (case=48025) 9670
  • Fix for unexpected coloring of listboxes under Vista/Win7 when only coloring of views is enabled. (case=49100) 9731
  • VA listboxes utilize the font under Tools | Options | Fonts and Colors | Show Settings For: Statement Completion. (case=45865) 9610
  • Fixed overlapping suggestions with Resharper installed. (case=34592) 8777
  • Eliminated spurious suggestion list that appeared when typing ~ in a C# file (fixes regression in 1829). (case=48262)
  • C# code is properly formatted when typing ; (fixes regression in 1812). (case=49027)
  • Fixed inability to set VA X Brace Matching background color via Tools | Options | Fonts and Colors (fixes regression in previous 18xx-series builds). (case=48634) 9608
  • VS2010: Fixed VA Navigation Bar position when switching between document windows with differing toolbars. (case=48062) 9722
  • VS2010: Fixed incorrect syntax coloring when part of a fully qualified type shares a name with a method (e.g., std::vector<> and vector() ). (case=49159)
  • VS2010: Parameter Info tooltips are colored correctly when VA tooltip coloring is enabled. (case=45866)9612
  • VS2010: Corrected inability to change underline color for spelling errors. (case=47099)
  • VS2010: Fixed coloring of some non-code tooltips and listbox members. (case=48020, case=49806)

Visual Assist Build 1830

requires software maintenance through 2010.08.12 (General release.)

  • Fixed parsing of symbols following the not operator (!) (regression in 1829). (case=48557)

Visual Assist Build 1829

requires software maintenance through 2010.07.31 (Release candidate.)

  • New Auto-extend multi-line comments. (case=39838) 9205
  • New "Selections committed with" behavior for member lists is now configurable under VA Options | Advanced | Listboxes. (case=9369) 95889457938589728807879387918742813679317273,705570237002690068026761
  • New Typing ~ within a C++ class declaration suggests the destructor for the class. (case=47139)
  • Fixed potential crash while reloading projects with some third party addins present (e.g. WIX or Designbox). (case=46239)
  • Fixed IDE hang when manipulating VAssistX menu after expired trial. (case=46289)
  • Fix for caret moving unexpectedly when issuing Goto (Alt+G) while the Code Definition Window is open. (case=22548) 958293698424
  • Fixed potential lag while typing in C# files. (case=46287)
  • Fix for suggestions appearing unexpectedly when typing fast. (case=45586)
  • Fixed unexpected editor scroll that sometimes occurred after renaming a symbol. (case=46551) 9637
  • Find References highlights member initialization lists and constructor invocations using the modified color. (case=4154) 9651937293117214
  • Managed C++ finalizers are parsed correctly. (case=19150) 9547890984438134
  • Fixed global scope resolution operator (::) being changed to a single colon by Create/Move Implementation. (case=45850)
  • Removed VA Snippet suggestions that cluttered C# override completion lists. (case=42309) 9477
  • Fix for parsing error following a block comment ending with \*/ . (case=46838) 9645
  • Improved spell checking inside comments. (case=3689, case=29867, case=41543) 944594069126,88585634
  • VA Options | Startup | Check Now button checks for both release and beta versions (fixed problem in which betas could be missed). (case=45757)
  • VS2010: Fix for member listboxes appearing behind tooltips and other windows. (case=40685, case=47502) 9388
  • VS2010: Fixed problem with C++/CLI parameter info and quick info tooltips. (case=42348, case=42351)9482
  • VS2010: Fixed slowdown with many open files. (case=46408)
  • VS2010: Find text highlight works in files that are not syntax colored. (case=46637) 9642
  • VS2010: Fixed brace insertion conflict with Productivity Power Tools. (case=46640)
  • VS2010: Spell check is offered for plain text files. (case=46131) 9621

Visual Assist Build 1827

requires software maintenance through 2010.06.11 (General release.)

  • C/C++ variables having macro type declaration (e.g. MY_INT foo = 5; where MY_INT is defined as int) are parsed correctly. (case=43586) 9517
  • Fixed flicker in VA suggestion lists. (case=40450)
  • VS2010: VA Navigation Bar displays correctly in open documents after re-enabling VA (fixes regression in 1812). (case=44542)

Visual Assist Build 1825

requires software maintenance through 2010.05.25 (Beta release.)

  • New Single installer supports Visual Studio 2010 and all previous IDE versions
  • Fixed commenting with star (*) in CSS files. (case=43279)
  • Fix for $BaseClassName$ inserting inappropriate placeholder name when base class is undefined. (case=39236) 9337
  • Improved utf-8 character display in tooltips. (case=43621)
  • Tooltip for Suggested Refactorings option (VA Options | Advanced | Refactoring | "Automatically show icon for suggested refactorings") now clarifies that this is a C/C++ only feature. (case=44017) 9536
  • Added "Edit VA Snippets" command to VAssistX | Tools menu. (case=44075)
  • Fixed issue in which the wrong member was selected when double-clicking a C# member list item if VA Options | Advanced | Suggestions | "Filter completion lists to use VA's Suggestions in C#, VB,..." is enabled (regression in 1823). (case=44023) 9574
  • Corrected issue in which Hovering Class Browser sometimes failed to refresh when hovering on a symbol in the editor (regression in 1810). (case=44602)
  • VS2010: Additional IDE restart is no longer necessary to see enhanced syntax coloring after installing VA X. (case=43386) 9506
  • VS2010: Fixed problem in which VA was not active in HTML and JavaScript files under certain circumstances. (case=43627)
  • VS2010: Improved accuracy of default suggestion for parameters to overloaded functions. (case=43635)
  • VS2010: Fix for VA becoming inactive after clicking "Close all but this" on an active tab or middle-clicking on an inactive tab. (case=43873) 9532
  • VS2010: Fix for VA becoming inactive after closing floating window. (case=44208)
  • VS2010: Fix for some suggestion and member lists being obscured by floating document windows. (case=44201) 95559540
  • VS2010: VA Navigation Bar no longer draws on top of expanded auto-hide panels. (case=44413) 9568
  • VS2010: VA Navigation Bar invalidates correctly in inactive tabbed windows. (case=43205)
  • VS2010: VA respects IDE setting for Tools | Options | Text Editor | C# | IntelliSense | Pre-select most recently used member. (case=38443) 9541
  • VS2010: Typing /, *, or # while in multi-line edit mode inserts the appropriate character regardless of the "Surround Selection on ..." setting. (case=44464) 9570
  • VS2010: Fixed exception thrown while editing ASPX files. (case=44538)

Visual Assist Build 1823

requires software maintenance through 2010.05.06 (General release.) 
Visual Studio 2010 version

  • Corrected case in which navigating through Find References results while Find References was still running caused Visual Studio to hang under certain circumstances. (case=43506) 9342
  • Fixed problem highlighting symbol under cursor when collapsed blocks are present. (case=29360) 8853
  • Fixed commit by Enter of item chosen by Acronym matching in C# member listboxes. (case=43470) 9520
  • VS2010: Fixed potential hang when moving text caret into HTML tag. (case=43695)
  • VS2010: Fixed case where IntelliSense would sometimes insert the wrong item in managed code. (case=43501) 9458
  • VS2010: VA Snippets having identical name and shortcut are inserted properly from suggestion lists. (case=43220) 95009497

Visual Assist Build 1822

requires software maintenance through 2010.04.22 (General release.) 
Visual Studio 2010 version

  • New Open File in Solution, Find Symbol in Solution, and List Methods in File select most recently used item when filtering. (case=38841)
  • VA suggestion list is invoked instead of default IntelliSense when typing the scope resolution operator after a class name, e.g. Foo:: (case=9) 9154
  • VA Parameter Info tooltip is dismissed when backspacing over the opening parenthesis. (case=42352)9482
  • VS2010: Eliminated "Cannot set allocations" error experienced by some users on IDE startup. (case=39412) 933193089212
  • VS2010: Fixed case in which VA interfered with IntelliSense listboxes displayed outside of editor windows. (case=43213) 9500
  • VS2010: Fixed brace and reference highlighting issue in multibyte character files on non-English systems. (case=41798) 9393
  • VS2010: Fixed C++/CLI namespace suggestions problem with Get Content from Default IntelliSense enabled. (case=42349) 9482
  • VS2010: Corrected XAML IntelliSense issue. (case=42354) 9481

Visual Assist Build 1819

requires software maintenance through 2010.04.06 (Release candidate.) 
Visual Studio 2010 version

  • Fixed case in which navigating through Find References results while Find References was still running caused the operation to abort. (case=40775) 9342
  • Fixed issue in which a lengthy Rename References operation in VC6 might not modify all pertinent references. (case=25190) 8606
  • Move Implementation to Source File is available for functions defined outside of a class. (case=3207)94085521
  • Solution files that don't belong to any project are now included in Open File in Solution. (case=40541) 9412
  • VA makes backup files on save only if VA Options | Advanced | Performance | Enable Auto Recovery is checked. (case=41536) 9446
  • Fixed pane sizing problem in HTML Split source/design view. (case=39842) 9371
  • Removed irrelevant VA Snippets from HTML attribute suggestion lists. (case=41758)
  • Fixed case in which VA was not active in a XAML file immediately after solution load. (case=39879, case=41865) 9388
  • Fixed problem with XAML namespaces being completed/inserted incorrectly. (case=40890) 9389
  • More text of longer strings is displayed in listboxes prior to truncation. (case=40411) 9397
  • Fixed handling of "__declspec" in VA Outline. (case=40680) 9416
  • JavaScript member lists are sorted correctly. (case=41265)
  • Smart Suggestions (formerly known as Scoped Suggestions) no longer interferes with the default IDE behavior for WPF event handlers in XAML or C# code-behind files. (case=40179, case=40335)
  • Smart Suggestions in VC6 may be accepted with Tab regardless of VA's "Selections committed with" settings. (case=41491) 9421
  • Removed irrelevant Smart Suggestions from C# implicit type var assignment. (case=41898) 9460
  • Fixed suggestion list flicker when VA Options | Advanced | Suggestions | "Filter completion lists to use VA's Suggestions in C#, VB,..." is enabled. (case=41551)
  • Pressing backspace while in an #include completion list serves to expand (rather than dismiss) the list. (case=41564) 9447
  • System headers are suggested for double-quoted #include directives after a directory delimiter (\\ or /) has been typed (angle bracket form shows system header suggestions immediately). (case=41471)
  • #include completion list positions to the first item in the list if the text under the cursor matches no filenames. (case=41565) 9447
  • VA's Quick Info tooltip now can be displayed using default VS key bindings. (case=7997) 6502
  • Fixed coloring of member list tooltips (regression in 1812). (case=39431)
  • Restored click-to-edit functionality of VA Snippet-defined Smart Suggestions (regression in 1814). (case=39891)
  • Fixed issue with VA Outline commenting out a method preceded by comments (regression in 1715). (case=41193)
  • VS2010: Improved solution load time. (case=40377) 9308
  • VS2010: Fixed sporadic heap corruption when reloading web project. (case=41799)
  • VS2010: Corrected problem in which #include suggestion lists appeared momentarily and then disappeared. (case=41544) 9447
  • VS2010: Bold non-inherited members in listboxes works consistently. (case=36742)
  • VS2010: Fixed background color interaction with selection and squiggles. (case=38099)
  • VS2010: Fixed some cases in which default colors rather than user selected colors were displayed in the editor. (case=38578)
  • VS2010: Eliminated spurious coloring of Open File in Solution and Find Symbol in Solution columns & headers. (case=39953, case=40687)
  • VS2010: Fixed refactor icon appearing in the wrong location with word wrap enabled. (case=40784)
  • VS2010: Fixed incorrect coloring of comments and strings in Javascript. (case=41207, case=41610)
  • VS2010: Fixed syntax coloring of some error and warning tooltips. (case=41395)
  • VS2010: Fixed CSS IntelliSense problem. (case=40505) 9411
  • VS2010: VA suggestions appear properly for HTML attributes when VA "Filter completion lists..." option is enabled. (case=41757)
  • VS2010: Fixed issue in which extra HTML attribute quotes were sometimes inserted when VA "Filter completion lists..." option was disabled. (case=41875)
  • VS2010: Fixed problem with Smart Suggestions when VA "Filter completion lists..." option was disabled. (case=41875)

Visual Assist Build 1814

requires software maintenance through 2010.03.01 (Beta release.) 
Visual Studio 2010 RC version

  • Improved IDE startup time. (case=40097)
  • Open File in Solution remains in sync after files are added or removed to projects contained in top-level solution folders. (case=36780) 9161
  • Fixed issue in which switching between large solutions occasionally resulted in an empty Open File in Solution list. (case=39946)
  • Improved typing response in large codebases when suggestions are enabled. (case=39935)
  • Extraneous quotes are no longer inserted in ASP/ASP.NET attributes when accepting a suggestion with Tools | Text Editor | HTML | Format | "Insert attribute value quotes when typing" checked. (case=39884)93648543
  • Fixed indentation problem after inserting public:/protected:/private: VA Snippets in C++. (case=39891)9374
  • Restored missing suggestions when using VA Options | Advanced | Suggestions | "Filter completion lists to use VA's Suggestions in C#, VB,...". (case=39936)
  • VA suggestions are displayed if Ctrl+space is pressed and Visual Studio provides no IntelliSense (applicable only when Get content from default IntelliSense option is enabled.) (case=40084)
  • The completion list invoked via the "Show all Symbols" button in a filtering toolbar respects the Get content from default IntelliSense setting. (case=37498)
  • Create from Usage correctly infers the type of empty string literals. (case=40090)
  • Create from Usage correctly infers the type of an undeclared parameter to a prototyped function. (case=32085) 8998
  • VB symbol completion in VS2008/2010 now follows IDE conventions regardless of VA's "Selections committed with: Any character not valid in a symbol" setting. (case=40141)
  • Suggested Refactorings (VA Options | Advanced | Refactoring | "Automatically show icon for suggested refactorings") correctly works independently of the "Show icon to open refactoring menu when hovering" option. (case=40368)
  • Fixed refactoring icon occasionally popping through windows above the IDE. (case=39402)
  • Dollar signs in source code are no longer treated unexpectedly when applying a VA Snippet or refactoring. (case=19247) 8511
  • Fixed issue in which Extract Method inserted an extra blank line after a return statement. (case=39839)
  • Fixed responsiveness when typing multiple semicolons and braces (regression in 1804). (case=38680)9308
  • Open Corresponding File (Alt+O) is faster (fixes regression in 1805). (case=39473)
  • Move/Create Implementation functions correctly on C++ virtual destructors (fixes regression in 1806). (case=39777)
  • Corrected Find References results icons for assignments to function return values (regression in 1808). (case=39943)
  • Fixed debug Quick Info tooltips being dismissed unexpectedly in VC6 (fixes regression in 1808). (case=40275)
  • Fixed Methods in File (Alt+M) sluggishness (regression in 1810). (case=39828)
  • VS2010: Fixed listbox item being accepted unexpectedly when closing a generic type with >. (case=38549)9298
  • VS2010: Fixed position of refactoring icon (was sometimes covered by Quick Info tooltip). (case=38772)
  • VS2010: Parameter Info tip shows only the current parameter in bold, regardless of bold locals setting. (case=38810) 93989308
  • VS2010: Fixed coloring issue with file completion lists. (case=39680)
  • VS2010: Fixed screen overlap between VA and IDE navigation bars caused by changing Windows font DPI setting. (case=39686) 9365
  • VS2010: Added workaround for VS2010 reporting incorrect active document when loading a WPF solution. (case=39879)
  • VS2010: Fixed suggestions not displaying when word wrap is enabled. (case=40071) 9388
  • VS2010: Locals are rendered in bold when the corresponding setting is active (fixes regression in 1810). (case=40050)

Visual Assist Build 1812

requires software maintenance through 2010.02.09 (Beta release.) 
Visual Studio 2010 RC version

  • New Added support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 RC.
    Note Build 1812 (and above) will not work with Visual Studio 2010 beta releases. Build 1810 is the last VA X build to support Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2.
  • New VA-style shrinkable suggestion lists are offered for C# and VB code. Control via VA Options | Advanced | Suggestions | "Filter completion lists to use VA's Suggestions in C#, VB,...". (case=39051)
  • New The refactoring icon appears while typing in C/C++ source and header files when common refactorings are eligible to perform. Control via VA Options | Advanced | Refactoring | "Automatically show icon for suggested refactorings". (This was present in 1810, but was not configurable.) (case=38279)
  • Fixed crash and/or hang in VC6. (case=39415) 9326
  • Insert VA Snippet context menu uses standard Windows UI conventions (e.g., pressing a key corresponding to the first letter of more than one suggested snippet cycles through the snippets until Tab or Enter is pressed). (case=33154) 9063
  • Improved compatibility with Resharper 4.5 and 5.0. (case=34591, case=34592) 8777
  • Reassigned duplicate keyboard accelerator in Rename dialog. (case=38889) 9329
  • Fixed parsing of additional include directories in makefile projects (regression in 1810). (case=38892)

Visual Assist Build 1810

requires software maintenance through 2010.01.22 (Beta release.) 
Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 version

  • New Added support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2.
  • New Find References and Rename act on base class references. (case=3346) 8817859584778235,742270576959597655555533
  • New Open File in Solution filters out duplicate files referenced in multiple projects by default. (case=33201) 9056
  • New Copy All command added to Find References results. (case=33532) 9073
  • Added default keybindings for Rename (Alt+shift+R), Find References (Alt+Shift+F), Create From Usage (Alt+Shift+C) and Refactor menu (Alt+Shift+Q). (case=36340)
  • Fixed Visual Studio 2008 hang on 64-bit Vista with top-down memory allocation set. (case=23618)
  • Fixed crash when deleting text from a very large VA Snippet entry. (case=36106) 9160
  • Eliminated rare CPU spin that could occur when Change Signature was invoked while a VA View tooltip was visible. (case=30326) 8952
  • Fixed listbox memory leak. (case=35543) 9084
  • Fixed issue in which matching braces were not highlighted when keywords were set to bold via Tools | Options | Fonts and Colors. (case=611)
  • Fixed issue in which deleting a block of text selected with the keyboard in column mode also deleted an adjacent brace when brace highlighting was active. (case=34166)
  • Changes to projects and property sheets are picked up by VA independently of the VA Options | Performance | "Watch for externally modified files and reparse when necessary" setting. (case=38330)
  • Add Include places #include directives after #pragma once if applicable. (case=29480) 91178862
  • Add Include on std::string inserts an include directive for <string> instead of <xstring>. (case=31895)
  • Create from Usage infers type double for undeclared variable assigned to a numeric literal containing a decimal. (case=31924)
  • Create from Usage defaults to placeholder "UnknownType" instead of blank when the type cannot be inferred. (case=32084) 8998
  • Create from Usage infers the correct type for parameters cast with static_cast, const_cast, dynamic_cast, and type coercion. (case=31478)
  • Improved accuracy of the default method signature provided by Create from Usage for certain patterns. (case=32269) 9048
  • Fixed issue in which Create from Usage stuffed an enum definition into the wrong position in VC6. (case=31810)
  • Scoped Suggestions are offered for C# class member definitions having internal visibility. (case=34623)
  • Scoped Suggestions are no longer offered following += for C# event handlers to avoid conflict with the default IDE behavior. (case=35828)
  • Fixed incorrect Scoped Suggestions offered after the -> operator and if() conditional. (case=33484, case=34467)
  • The correct return type is suggested following the Return statement in VB. (case=37765)
  • Fixed problem in which clicking on a Quick Info tooltip for an overloaded method caused it to scroll rapidly through the method signatures. (case=32265) 92939081
  • Corrected Open Corresponding File (Alt+O) issue related to base filenames ending in "exp". (case=32515)9025
  • Triggering the refactor menu via a bound keystroke correctly targets a symbol when the text caret is at the start of the symbol. (case=6820) 91576299
  • Addressed compatibility problem in which both Visual Assist X and Resharper were inserting closing parentheses automatically, resulting in extraneous parentheses. (case=34591)
  • Accepting a VA Snippet after typing more than the shortcut no longer results in bad completions like "retureturn". (case=35091)
  • Added refactoring snippet $generatedPropertyName$ to specify lowercase first letter for generated property names. (case=35316) 8304
  • Fixed problem completing a symbol with '(' following keywords new or virtual. (case=35617) 9139
  • Fixed problem in which local variables in a C/C++ method decorated with the __success header annotation macro were underlined as mistyped symbols. (case=32685) 9044
  • Fixed listbox vertical position problem caused by not taking into account the editor font size. (case=37097)
  • Improved IntelliSense support for ImgSource and ISEffects libraries. (case=37158) 9198
  • Reduced Quick Info tooltip flicker caused by slight mouse movements. (case=37468)
  • AFX exported/imported classes are parsed properly. (case=37844)
  • Added workaround for VS2008 issue that caused a user option to be reset to its default value when installing or upgrading Visual Assist X. (case=31894) 90678987
  • Spell Check for plain text files is available regardless of the order in which solution files were opened. (case=36834) 9178
  • Corrected indentation problem when Tools | Options | Text Editor | C# | IntelliSense | "Add new line on commit with enter at end of fully typed word" is enabled . (case=25252)
  • Move Implementation to Source no longer expands environment variables unexpectedly. (case=37970)9286
  • Fixed issue in which performing an incremental search in a system source file inadvertently removed that file's contents from VA's internal symbol database. (case=36103)
  • Fixed problem with Find References on forward-declared symbols implemented outside the header file in which they were declared. (case=18883) 7998
  • Corrected wrong icon displaying for some Find References results. (case=4442) 78805831
  • Replaced "Please place the caret on a symbol before running Find References." message with the less indicting "Find References is not available because the symbol is unrecognized." (case=38201) 9289
  • Suggestions have been restored for #define/#if/#ifdef/#ifndef preprocessor directives (fixes regression in 1721). (case=32089)

See all archives.