Subcontractor Sourcing Guide 2024 3 © MIT Publishing Limited 2024. Whilst every care is taken to provide accurate information, the publishers cannot accept liability for errors or omissions, no matter how they may arise. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted without the consent of the publisher. Published by MIT Publishing Ltd, Featherstone House, 375 High St, Rochester, Kent ME1 1DA 01634 830566 Editorial Director Dave Tudor 01634 825702 Production Coordinator Ewa Hodden Phone: 01634 825703 Sales Director Andy Morley 01634 825701 Sales Manager Tammy Jukes Phone: 01634 825706 Contacts Welcome to the 2024 Subcontractor Sourcing Guide As the lifeblood of the manufacturing sector, the UK subcontracting fraternity plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between conceptual designs and marketready products. UK subcontractors are not just an integral part of manufacturing but its very backbone. Because at the heart of every potentially groundbreaking product lies a blueprint awaiting transformation. Here, the UK’s army of engineering subcontractors shines, translating conceptual ideas into real-world entities. This process is not just about materialising ideas; it’s about adding value, ensuring RTGEKUKQP CPF OCKPVCKPKPI SWCNKV[ VJCV FGƂPGU OCTMGV leaders. Designers and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) often lack the specialised facilities to bring VJGKT KPPQXCVKQPU VQ NKHG 5WDEQPVTCEVQTU ƂNN VJKU XQKF with their expertise and state-of-the-art technology, making the impossible, possible. The UK is home to literally thousands of precision subcontract engineering companies, each a testament to the sector’s diversity and capability. This variety GPUWTGU VJCV PQ OCVVGT VJG EQORNGZKV[ QT URGEKƂEKV[ QH a project, there’s always a perfect match of skills and technology. From intricate metalcutting, metalforming and fabrication through to heat treatment, assembly CPF FGUKIP HQT OCPWHCEVWTKPI &H/ VJGUG ƂTOU possess the versatility to cater to a wide array of manufacturing needs, offering tailored solutions that push the boundaries of what’s achievable. Collaboration lies at the core of subcontracting. It’s a symbiotic relationship where subcontractors not only contribute their expertise but also gain insights into emerging trends and technologies. This constant exchange fuels innovation, ensuring the UK manufacturing sector stays ahead of the curve globally. Subcontractors are not just service providers; they are pivotal economic contributors. By enabling GHƂEKGPV RTQFWEVKQP RTQEGUUGU CPF HQUVGTKPI innovation, they drive the growth of the UK manufacturing sector, a critical component of the national economy. Since 2019, our Subcontractor Sourcing Guide – available in both printed and digital formats – has been an invaluable resource in helping match manufacturers needing subcontracting services with those that provide them. #NN VJG UWDEQPVTCEVQT URGEKƂE KPHQTOCVKQP [QW PGGF to make informed choices is provided: geographical location, accreditations held, and range of services offered. Dave Tudor Editorial Director