Ready for launch

AMJune16Comment - mike
AMJune16Comment - mike

So here it is. No, not football’s UEFA European Championships but the Farnborough International Airshow. It is nearly show time people, and I’m delighted to announce that this show preview issue is our biggest ever. It’s also our 10th anniversary edition too, so a big, big Happy Birthday to us!

Aerospace Manufacturing launched at the 2006 Farnborough Airshow with the specific intention of being the ‘must read’ manufacturing trade journal for things with wings. During that time, we’ve covered the industry’s many highs and lows, twists and turns and the odd barrel roll too.

We’ve reported from many major tradeshows and airshows, and witnessed the flying displays of new aircraft that have helped usher in major technological revolutions for the global aerospace manufacturing industry – and for airlines and passengers too. Long live the revolution.

What’s so significant about this year’s Farnborough? Well, a debut UK flying display for the Lockheed Martin F-35 and outings for both the Airbus A350 and Bombardier C Series will see this airshow once again creating the kind of buzz that should go way beyond previous events.

As usual, this event’s air display is a sideshow compared to the business deals everyone is anticipating will take place inside the halls. The industry’s order book pattern will be scrutinised here, and whilst many onlooker eyes will be trained on the skies, the hope is that the cheque books will be out and the deals will get done.

To quote Benjamin Franklin, if you want something done, ask a busy person. This industry thrives on being busy. And Aerospace Manufacturing will be keeping busy at this year’s show too. We’ll be exhibiting in hall 1, C12, so please feel free to join us and share in our anniversary celebrations.

Mike Richardson, editor


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