Subcontract Sourcing Guide 2024

CNC Turning & Milling 7 * (QJLQHHULQJ SURYLGH D IDVW DQG HIÀFLHQW &1& WXUQLQJ VHUYLFH IRU companies throughout UK and Europe. We have a comprehensive range of the latest &1& WXUQLQJ PDFKLQHU\ DQG H[SHULHQFHG engineers for precision turned parts and quality machined components. Wire Erosion & EDM 2XU H[WHQVLYH ZLUH HURVLRQ ZLUH ('0 and machining capabilities make us a key subcontract partner for demanding industries and diverse applications used globally. For exceptionally high standards of accurately machined FRPSRQHQWV DQG ÀQLVKHG DVVHPEO\ parts, please contact us today. 5-Axis Machining Over the years the we have invested in the most up to date machining technology and systems. Our Multi-Axis PDFKLQLQJ FDSDELOLWLHV JLYHV 7 * WKH ÁH[LELOLW\ WR PDQXIDFWXUH WKH PRVW FRPSOH[ of parts complete in one operation for high accuracy and quality, helping to save time and costs. Assembly <RXU SUHFLVLRQ parts can be fully machined, plated, anodised, SDLQWHG ÀQLVKHG WR H[DFW VSHFLÀFDWLRQ and then fully assembled by dedicated personnel. We also offer full component kit assemblies and pre-prepared part kitting which is 100% traceable and despatched on time. 8QLW &DPSKLOO ,QGXVWULDO (VWDWH &DPSKLOO 5G :HVW %\ÁHHW 6XUUH\ .7 (: 01932 353228 To see more, please visit our website 49