By default, a VA Hashtag cannot include a hyphen. When a candidate string does include a hyphen, only the left portion can be a VA Hashtag. In the following example, "#foo" is the VA Hashtag in:
// #foo-bar
Allow hyphens in VA Hashtags, e.g. allow all of #foo-bar, via a setting in the options dialog for Visual Assist.
Visual Assist build 2231 and older
If you wish to allow hyphens in VA Hashtags, change the value of HashtagsAllowHyphens:
HKCU\Software\Whole Tomato\Visual Assist X\<IDE spec>\HashtagsAllowHyphens = 01
Set the value to 00 to restore default behavior.
Note: Candidates for VA Hashtags that consist of only hex characters and digits are ignored regardless of the value of HashtagsAllowHyphens.