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Revert to a previous build

If you install and run a build of Visual Assist you are not qualified to run under the term of your software maintenance, Visual Assist notifies you of the fact when you launch your IDE. Then, Visual Assist runs in trial mode for seven days, giving you an opportunity to remain productive, evaluate the new build, and consider your two options:

  1. revert to the newest build issued within the term of your software maintenance
  2. renew maintenance (or purchase a new license), keep the installed build, and continue receiving updates


If you want to revert to a previous build, check VAssistX | Help | About for the expiration date of your maintenance, in YYYY.MM.DD format.

If your seven-day trial expired and you cannot reach the About dialog of Visual Assist, search your email for a date in your most recent purchase, or log in to the license portal to view the expiration date associated with your license.

Visit the history of builds in the archive for Visual Assist and download the installer for the newest build you are qualified to run. You cannot revert using a Visual Studio Extension (.vsix) downloaded from the Microsoft Visual Studio Gallery or with an installer obtained via the Extension Manager of your IDE.

Follow the standard installation instructions for an executable (exe) installer of Visual Assist.

Visual Studio 2015 and newer

Visual Studio can automatically update an extension without your confirmation, regardless of whether or not you are qualified to run the extension. If you suspect this has happened in your IDE, follow these instructions to revert to an old version of Visual Assist.

Renew Maintenance

Contact us for your options regarding renewal of your software maintenance.

If you do renew maintenance, you will not receive a new serial number, but the expiration date associated with the original will be updated.  If the expiration date as reported by Visual Assist does not reflect your renewal, re-register the serial number via the Registration dialog (accessible at VAssistX | Help | Register or in the Try dialog that appears if support has expired).